Wow - thank you so much for explaining so clearly so many things that most people do not understand at all! Your analysis is fantastic and eye-opening.
It seems like our best hope for the failure of global technocratic totalitarianism is the hubris and ignorance of the tech bros and their allies who are attempting it. Like all self-appointed "masters of the universe" before them, their most cherished goal is eternal life. They think if they can build ever more powerful computers they can achieve this goal. They might destroy the world trying. Hopefully, their enterprise will fail before that happens.
But if the tech bro, Elon Musk, is neither good nor evil …and is just brain hemisphere impaired…then why does he don the baphomet suit adorned with a pentagram?
The donning of the baphomet duds could be a subtle "hey, I'm evil" signal. Or it could be just really bad taste and not sensing when you took it too far.
The D&D savant is now the captain of the football team, but he's still an autist, alternating funny and brilliant with cringe.
Some D & D “savants” end up killing people tho…like what happened on my street growing up…
And that was not brilliant nor funny, but definitely full of cringe in an American neighborhood. So I tend to view these things through a certain lense.
D & D is full of occult symbols. No doubt Elon Musk, the Tech Bros, and many people in governments across the world are part of the occult. You should hear the testimony of Larry Sanger, the co-founder of Wikipedia, and how his encounter with Hollywood cult symbols (e.g. covering of the eye) is partially what led to him believe that while there is evil in the world, on balance, there is probably a good force, too, call it God the Creator. Also, he reasons there are important signposts to belief like the fine tuning of the universe and other such arguments for God.
I agree, there is evil and there is good. Does Larry Sanger still have sway of Wikipedia? If he has had a heart change, I hope he will turn Wikipedia back to being a true information platform instead of a control medium for perception forming propaganda.
I do not know if Larry Sanger still has any sway at Wikipedia. But he did indeed have a change of heart. He has gone public with his philosophical journey and conversion to Christianity.
35 years ago, Columbia offered a small class of the Philosophy of Science and started with AJ Ayers. It became very clear that "modern science" is its own assumption. Science has been glorified, and the "nerds" tend to like it because they aren't bored by details. Life experience tells me that these errors are similar to the errors that have made ppl more narcissistic. Over confidence.
However, its time to drop the no longer useful LLM as word/pattern predictor. Deployed as they are by the cast of characters in your article, they serve a purpose more fundamental than their basic and essential functionality.
Yes, it is true that LLMs are no longer spitting out the most likely pattern to follow a prompt but have been biased to spit out a particular pattern that reflects the official narrative, which is becoming the more rare pattern these days. I don't know whether or not this is done by biasing the training data or by adding "guardrails." Probably the latter. Thanks for the correction.
For me a game changer was when I learned that after hemispherectomy, when half of the human brain is removed, most people continue to live normal lives…
Is the other half of our brain not needed?
Another major game changer for me was when I realized our brains use quantum mechanics to function, store information and likely create or process self-awareness.
Those two above mentioned facts led me to believe that transhumanism is not possible…
In 2022 Karl Schwab was selling his transhumanism bs to his audience that paid top dollars to be there… He hasn’t done it since for obvious reasons…
Tech bros and their minions, Nerds, firmly believe They are creating a Utopia. Their motivation is beyond hubris. Insane? At the least They are deranged by their own god-complexed egomania, much like those in the 1940's who collectively, in pursuit of the ultimate weapon/science, became 'Death. The destroyers of Worlds'.
The sole, irrefutable, historically substantiated, mission of the demon beast machine, The Military, is to... #1; Kill People, and #2; Break Things.
Utopia? Via the digital age, led by billionaire psychopaths (The New Robber Barrons) and their DOD protector/benefactors ? I think not.
I once knew and lived in the last vestiges of a self-sufficient analog, organic culture, populated by rugged individualists. Years ago I took my namesake on a journey to that long ago lost civilization and tried to explain to him the beauty of that place; a seemingly endless expanse of self-sustaining farms, founded in reverance, stewardship, love for the Land, and The Creator.
Being young and not yet immersed in science, my namesake said nothing during our journey into my past. Years later he would say to me, "Dad, you'll see. We're building the foundations of Utopia with Ai."
"Oh contrare, my son. I showed you the Way - a life possible in harmony with The Creator as our only necessary interface with the beautiful organic world He created for us. A life of abundance that springs forth from earth, water, trees and air we all breath. I am sorry my son, there is no need for this digital control interface for us to live the life of abundance. Your Utopian digital world is already devouring Earth's resources at an unprecedented rate. Ai, your pursuit of Utopia, is Kryptonite, and will ultimately lead only to Distopian destruction."
Thank you so much for your inspirational dive and fine essay on the Insane Technomania World. I share your desire to see Big Gov stripped of its parasitic power and its tentacles of control. Yet, the marriage of the Tech Bros with M.I.C. has already been consumated. The black-piller in me wants to say, 'We're Sooo Fucked!', as a species, but I know this land, this beautiful planet is The Creator's, not our's. We are just visitors here. I shall personally keep trying to act as such, with love, even as my love ones are being consumed by the deception, the mind game lies, the Ai Kryptonite.
What a beautiful comment. Yet I am so sorry about your son being deceived. As long as you remain, there is hope to dissuade him as the notions he applauds see the cold light of day. I have always counted myself blessed that my three daughters ascribe to the way things were and have been rather than to what “may be”. One goes so far as to prevent her children from watching television or using smart phones. She doesn’t use them herself. Her phone won’t be answered when you call and you will wait hours or days for a response by text. She sees the inherent danger in technology. Even the helpful bits, the useful parts, lead us into the void of transhumanism. I didn’t even have to push any of them to avoid the vax. No one in my family took it, partly by my advice but mainly due to their reliance on proven wisdom. The one exception was my aging mother. She paid for it horribly. A cancer rose up in her the likes of which no cancer doctor had ever seen before. They couldn’t believe it nor explain it. She immediately was on hospice and was eaten alive by it as we watched, helplessly. The whole process, from first symptoms to death all took place as she had two great grandchildren in the womb, her first. She never met them. She didn’t even have the time to find the things she decided to hand down to my daughters. She has so many things stored in a small space and we haven’t had the ability to go through it all, still. So much was lost. Yet so much remains. God bless you, brother!
You weave together a wide variety of important ideas in this. I think this is a big part of why we're being taught to dehumanize the public. As you point out, there is a richness in people's experience that isn't going to ever be fully quantified.
I appreciate your pragmatic approach to taking a look at these figures with an open mind. It's very hard to find quality criticism of "allies" in the best of times.
Remember when Bobby said that he thought the government (not the people) should be put on a blockchain so that we could monitor ITS transactions? I've got my fingers crossed that that's what's coming. Strange and wonderful things are happening these days. An "anti-vaxxer" is now in charge of public health. A "Russian asset" is now in charge of national security. We were crazy to have hope in 2023 when we started working for the Kennedy Beacon, and now it seems crazy won the day. But I am going to keep pointing out the dangers that might lie ahead -- so that we can better avoid them.
I agree with your hopes and share your fears. I have seen RFK’s response to the question of adverse reactions to the vaccine. They lend credence to the fears. He said that the Covid vax stands alone as the most rigorously tested vaccine in the schedule and that there isn’t enough data to determine if there are harmful side effects that are widespread. Sounds like a punt. But I half expect them to throw the Covid vax under the bus now that they are in position to control the narrative. I think it would go something like this; that original mRNA vaccine was developed for application to the entire population so of course some sectors of the public were harmed by it. However, these new mRNA vaccines will be tailored to the individual so you won’t have to worry about being harmed by something that was created for the population as a whole. Stargate has your back! We won’t repeat the mistakes of the past. We are entering the “golden age” of digital technology in medicine. They almost certainly have to do this to regain the public trust. I have been told by multitudes of ardent Trump supporters that it’s stupid to listen to what Trump says about medicine and to take your advice from him. If you did then that’s on you. The level of cognitive dissonance is astounding. But what it reveals is that they don’t even trust their most desired leader anymore. Something has to be done to smooth over the rough spots. I have seen first hand how the crowd just needs something to point to so that they can take up an impossible position with some semblance of a rational justification. An example is how many of them, when confronted with Trumps role in the vax process, will point out that it was Biden who mandated it and Trump is against the mandates. To them, that makes the obvious conflict of unbridled support for the man who enthusiastically tried to poison us all easier to swallow. They just need a comeback to use when confronted. If he comes out against it now then all will be forgiven and forgotten. The golden age awaits all who believe.
Agreed, Gabriel. Most of those who are thrilled that their candidate won are unable to see the forest for the trees.
I believe Tech Titans have major hubris problems, probably fueled by their social discomfort in the real world. They are trying to create an alternate reality, a digital world in which their deficiencies can't be felt, and building it requires god-like amounts of information. It also requires us all to join them there. Ergo, funneling us all into the Machine is the end-goal, for "our own good."
It has occurred to me that given AI’s ability to access and process information and data, what we are building is a god created in our own image. An ultimate golden calf. It will know virtually everything about each of us. It will easily identify the “bad seeds”. It will know our weaknesses maybe better than we do ourselves. It will do the bidding of its creators at light speed. The push to put it in charge of our world will be overwhelming, especially when it has solved some of our biggest problems. Removing human emotion from the equation will seem like the greatest achievement, yet the motivations and driving force in the minds of its creators will be endemic in the system. It will effectively turn subjectivity into objectivity. We will all be subjected by it and subject to it. It will be the idol that does speak and cause all who refuse to worship it to be killed, the very image of evil.
David, your comment-- with which I'm in full agreement -- links up brilliantly with an essay I'm currently working on. I may want to quote you... Are you okay with that? And would you like to be attributed fully, or is David S preferable?
Bingo! This also applies to many politicians and business executives.
And language is one tool that "inserts" trust into the left hemisphere, which is why we can believe in nonsense fantastical stuff like supernatural religions and myths, forgetting the symbolism.
Wow - thank you so much for explaining so clearly so many things that most people do not understand at all! Your analysis is fantastic and eye-opening.
It seems like our best hope for the failure of global technocratic totalitarianism is the hubris and ignorance of the tech bros and their allies who are attempting it. Like all self-appointed "masters of the universe" before them, their most cherished goal is eternal life. They think if they can build ever more powerful computers they can achieve this goal. They might destroy the world trying. Hopefully, their enterprise will fail before that happens.
They are psychopaths.
But if the tech bro, Elon Musk, is neither good nor evil …and is just brain hemisphere impaired…then why does he don the baphomet suit adorned with a pentagram?
The donning of the baphomet duds could be a subtle "hey, I'm evil" signal. Or it could be just really bad taste and not sensing when you took it too far.
The D&D savant is now the captain of the football team, but he's still an autist, alternating funny and brilliant with cringe.
Some D & D “savants” end up killing people tho…like what happened on my street growing up…
And that was not brilliant nor funny, but definitely full of cringe in an American neighborhood. So I tend to view these things through a certain lense.
D & D is full of occult symbols. No doubt Elon Musk, the Tech Bros, and many people in governments across the world are part of the occult. You should hear the testimony of Larry Sanger, the co-founder of Wikipedia, and how his encounter with Hollywood cult symbols (e.g. covering of the eye) is partially what led to him believe that while there is evil in the world, on balance, there is probably a good force, too, call it God the Creator. Also, he reasons there are important signposts to belief like the fine tuning of the universe and other such arguments for God.
I agree, there is evil and there is good. Does Larry Sanger still have sway of Wikipedia? If he has had a heart change, I hope he will turn Wikipedia back to being a true information platform instead of a control medium for perception forming propaganda.
I do not know if Larry Sanger still has any sway at Wikipedia. But he did indeed have a change of heart. He has gone public with his philosophical journey and conversion to Christianity.
35 years ago, Columbia offered a small class of the Philosophy of Science and started with AJ Ayers. It became very clear that "modern science" is its own assumption. Science has been glorified, and the "nerds" tend to like it because they aren't bored by details. Life experience tells me that these errors are similar to the errors that have made ppl more narcissistic. Over confidence.
To misquote Martin Luther King we shall all be released -from being ( human ).
doge simps won’t get laid for smart-metering out justice
(unless they get rich in the process...!) ;)
The second Mrs Bezos, exhibits a and b.
I love this article. Especially so because it aligns with my research on language evolution and acquisition within MArio Bungo's systemism cum emergentism framework as reviewed here's_Defence_of_the_Scientific_Treatment_of_Biology as well as, in relation to teaching reading to children most effectively described here
Thank you. I followed you on Researchgate. Seems our research interests overlap.
Great article.
However, its time to drop the no longer useful LLM as word/pattern predictor. Deployed as they are by the cast of characters in your article, they serve a purpose more fundamental than their basic and essential functionality.
Yes, it is true that LLMs are no longer spitting out the most likely pattern to follow a prompt but have been biased to spit out a particular pattern that reflects the official narrative, which is becoming the more rare pattern these days. I don't know whether or not this is done by biasing the training data or by adding "guardrails." Probably the latter. Thanks for the correction.
Do we only need half of our brain?
Great article!
For me a game changer was when I learned that after hemispherectomy, when half of the human brain is removed, most people continue to live normal lives…
Is the other half of our brain not needed?
Another major game changer for me was when I realized our brains use quantum mechanics to function, store information and likely create or process self-awareness.
Those two above mentioned facts led me to believe that transhumanism is not possible…
In 2022 Karl Schwab was selling his transhumanism bs to his audience that paid top dollars to be there… He hasn’t done it since for obvious reasons…
Tech bros and their minions, Nerds, firmly believe They are creating a Utopia. Their motivation is beyond hubris. Insane? At the least They are deranged by their own god-complexed egomania, much like those in the 1940's who collectively, in pursuit of the ultimate weapon/science, became 'Death. The destroyers of Worlds'.
The sole, irrefutable, historically substantiated, mission of the demon beast machine, The Military, is to... #1; Kill People, and #2; Break Things.
Utopia? Via the digital age, led by billionaire psychopaths (The New Robber Barrons) and their DOD protector/benefactors ? I think not.
I once knew and lived in the last vestiges of a self-sufficient analog, organic culture, populated by rugged individualists. Years ago I took my namesake on a journey to that long ago lost civilization and tried to explain to him the beauty of that place; a seemingly endless expanse of self-sustaining farms, founded in reverance, stewardship, love for the Land, and The Creator.
Being young and not yet immersed in science, my namesake said nothing during our journey into my past. Years later he would say to me, "Dad, you'll see. We're building the foundations of Utopia with Ai."
"Oh contrare, my son. I showed you the Way - a life possible in harmony with The Creator as our only necessary interface with the beautiful organic world He created for us. A life of abundance that springs forth from earth, water, trees and air we all breath. I am sorry my son, there is no need for this digital control interface for us to live the life of abundance. Your Utopian digital world is already devouring Earth's resources at an unprecedented rate. Ai, your pursuit of Utopia, is Kryptonite, and will ultimately lead only to Distopian destruction."
Thank you so much for your inspirational dive and fine essay on the Insane Technomania World. I share your desire to see Big Gov stripped of its parasitic power and its tentacles of control. Yet, the marriage of the Tech Bros with M.I.C. has already been consumated. The black-piller in me wants to say, 'We're Sooo Fucked!', as a species, but I know this land, this beautiful planet is The Creator's, not our's. We are just visitors here. I shall personally keep trying to act as such, with love, even as my love ones are being consumed by the deception, the mind game lies, the Ai Kryptonite.
What a beautiful comment. Yet I am so sorry about your son being deceived. As long as you remain, there is hope to dissuade him as the notions he applauds see the cold light of day. I have always counted myself blessed that my three daughters ascribe to the way things were and have been rather than to what “may be”. One goes so far as to prevent her children from watching television or using smart phones. She doesn’t use them herself. Her phone won’t be answered when you call and you will wait hours or days for a response by text. She sees the inherent danger in technology. Even the helpful bits, the useful parts, lead us into the void of transhumanism. I didn’t even have to push any of them to avoid the vax. No one in my family took it, partly by my advice but mainly due to their reliance on proven wisdom. The one exception was my aging mother. She paid for it horribly. A cancer rose up in her the likes of which no cancer doctor had ever seen before. They couldn’t believe it nor explain it. She immediately was on hospice and was eaten alive by it as we watched, helplessly. The whole process, from first symptoms to death all took place as she had two great grandchildren in the womb, her first. She never met them. She didn’t even have the time to find the things she decided to hand down to my daughters. She has so many things stored in a small space and we haven’t had the ability to go through it all, still. So much was lost. Yet so much remains. God bless you, brother!
David S
So sorry to hear about your mother's tragic choice and the horrific results, price paid. God bless you and your family, my friend.
The "transhumanistic" bent was just marketing spin, for the tech bros, and investors.
It's not about cyborging "Cindy or Carl", It's about harvesting energy.
Each mitochondria can generate more light than our sun, and how many mitochondria per cell, per organ, per tissue, per person?....🤔🤨😐
Likewise, each mitochondria also creates it's own structured water and water has infinite information capacity and transfer power, over distances.😐
This is not about making pretty brain chips and payment barcodes for X, although I'm sure there will be some buyers.
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
When you meet a trans-humanist on the street....
You weave together a wide variety of important ideas in this. I think this is a big part of why we're being taught to dehumanize the public. As you point out, there is a richness in people's experience that isn't going to ever be fully quantified.
I appreciate your pragmatic approach to taking a look at these figures with an open mind. It's very hard to find quality criticism of "allies" in the best of times.
Thanks, Gabriel. A couple of friends sent me urgent private messages: Don't criticize Elon!
Ooof! That on its own is concerning!
Remember when Bobby said that he thought the government (not the people) should be put on a blockchain so that we could monitor ITS transactions? I've got my fingers crossed that that's what's coming. Strange and wonderful things are happening these days. An "anti-vaxxer" is now in charge of public health. A "Russian asset" is now in charge of national security. We were crazy to have hope in 2023 when we started working for the Kennedy Beacon, and now it seems crazy won the day. But I am going to keep pointing out the dangers that might lie ahead -- so that we can better avoid them.
I agree with your hopes and share your fears. I have seen RFK’s response to the question of adverse reactions to the vaccine. They lend credence to the fears. He said that the Covid vax stands alone as the most rigorously tested vaccine in the schedule and that there isn’t enough data to determine if there are harmful side effects that are widespread. Sounds like a punt. But I half expect them to throw the Covid vax under the bus now that they are in position to control the narrative. I think it would go something like this; that original mRNA vaccine was developed for application to the entire population so of course some sectors of the public were harmed by it. However, these new mRNA vaccines will be tailored to the individual so you won’t have to worry about being harmed by something that was created for the population as a whole. Stargate has your back! We won’t repeat the mistakes of the past. We are entering the “golden age” of digital technology in medicine. They almost certainly have to do this to regain the public trust. I have been told by multitudes of ardent Trump supporters that it’s stupid to listen to what Trump says about medicine and to take your advice from him. If you did then that’s on you. The level of cognitive dissonance is astounding. But what it reveals is that they don’t even trust their most desired leader anymore. Something has to be done to smooth over the rough spots. I have seen first hand how the crowd just needs something to point to so that they can take up an impossible position with some semblance of a rational justification. An example is how many of them, when confronted with Trumps role in the vax process, will point out that it was Biden who mandated it and Trump is against the mandates. To them, that makes the obvious conflict of unbridled support for the man who enthusiastically tried to poison us all easier to swallow. They just need a comeback to use when confronted. If he comes out against it now then all will be forgiven and forgotten. The golden age awaits all who believe.
Agreed, Gabriel. Most of those who are thrilled that their candidate won are unable to see the forest for the trees.
I believe Tech Titans have major hubris problems, probably fueled by their social discomfort in the real world. They are trying to create an alternate reality, a digital world in which their deficiencies can't be felt, and building it requires god-like amounts of information. It also requires us all to join them there. Ergo, funneling us all into the Machine is the end-goal, for "our own good."
It has occurred to me that given AI’s ability to access and process information and data, what we are building is a god created in our own image. An ultimate golden calf. It will know virtually everything about each of us. It will easily identify the “bad seeds”. It will know our weaknesses maybe better than we do ourselves. It will do the bidding of its creators at light speed. The push to put it in charge of our world will be overwhelming, especially when it has solved some of our biggest problems. Removing human emotion from the equation will seem like the greatest achievement, yet the motivations and driving force in the minds of its creators will be endemic in the system. It will effectively turn subjectivity into objectivity. We will all be subjected by it and subject to it. It will be the idol that does speak and cause all who refuse to worship it to be killed, the very image of evil.
David, your comment-- with which I'm in full agreement -- links up brilliantly with an essay I'm currently working on. I may want to quote you... Are you okay with that? And would you like to be attributed fully, or is David S preferable?
Bingo! This also applies to many politicians and business executives.
And language is one tool that "inserts" trust into the left hemisphere, which is why we can believe in nonsense fantastical stuff like supernatural religions and myths, forgetting the symbolism.
Yes, well said. Coincidentally, another friend recommended Leonard Shlain to me this morning and I listened to a lecture he gave!
If you can't find the book, this is a great resource to find a copy.